No, at this time we do not store any personal information.

We only use this information for the "Navigation to Ferry" screen where we estimate the distance and time it would take to arrive at the boat, as well as plot your turn by turn directions should you click on a boat you wish to go to. We calculate all this by plugging the GPS information into Apple Maps.

No, currently you cannot buy tickets through the app, however this is something we are considering for the future. The reason right now you cannot is some boats dont have computer systems, and those that do dont have APIs for developers. Try to remember some boats are cash only, some only have paper tickets, and some didnt even take credit cards until the last few years.

This is due to the app not getting a reading from your GPS position. Check the setting of the app and click on Location. Make sure in the "Allow Location Access" screen the app is set to "While Using the App". To get to the settings of the app, you can either go through the Help & About menu and click on Settings, or on the home page of your iPhone go to settings and find our app.

Nunc duis id aenean gravida tincidunt eu, tempor ullamcorper. Viverra aliquam arcu, viverra et, cursus. Aliquet pretium cursus adipiscing gravida et consequat lobortis arcu velit. Nibh pharetra fermentum duis accumsan lectus non. Massa cursus molestie lorem scelerisque pellentesque. Nisi, enim, arcu purus gravida adipiscing euismod montes, duis egestas. Vehicula eu etiam quam tristique tincidunt suspendisse ut consequat.

Ornare senectus fusce dignissim ut. Integer consequat in eu tortor, faucibus et lacinia posuere. Turpis sit viverra lorem suspendisse lacus aliquam auctor vulputate. Quis egestas aliquam nunc purus lacus, elit leo elit facilisi. Dignissim amet adipiscing massa integer.

Nunc duis id aenean gravida tincidunt eu, tempor ullamcorper. Viverra aliquam arcu, viverra et, cursus. Aliquet pretium cursus adipiscing gravida et consequat lobortis arcu velit. Nibh pharetra fermentum duis accumsan lectus non. Massa cursus molestie lorem scelerisque pellentesque. Nisi, enim, arcu purus gravida adipiscing euismod montes, duis egestas. Vehicula eu etiam quam tristique tincidunt suspendisse ut consequat.

Ornare senectus fusce dignissim ut. Integer consequat in eu tortor, faucibus et lacinia posuere. Turpis sit viverra lorem suspendisse lacus aliquam auctor vulputate. Quis egestas aliquam nunc purus lacus, elit leo elit facilisi. Dignissim amet adipiscing massa integer.